


    Hi everybody & Welcome to my Blog! 

    Before starting, be very focus because I want you to answer to this very difficult question!

    Have you ever been to Ireland?

    Well.. Whatever the answer, in the both case you are going to live an incredible experience!


    Be ready…

    As a reality show, here you are going to discover everything about my life in Ireland.

    You're gonna live like an Irish, think like an Irish, dream like an Irish, and the most important thing, drink beer like an Irish (don’t worry for the “bide à bière”, it’s just for me)


    Isn’t it so cool?


    But first, I’m gonna introduce myself to let you know who I am.

    • Name : Michaël
    • Surname : Doré
    • Nickname : Mika (or Mikaboule for close people..)
    • Size : 1m82
    • Weight : 70kg
    • Hair color : Brown
    • Eye color : Green & Grey (Yes it’s possible)
    • Eyebrow : Brown (Yes it’s possible)
    • Hobby : SPB = Sports, Party & Beer (Didn’t choose the last one, I want to start my semester in Ireland in advance)
    • SWOT :
      • Strength : Very sociable
      • Weaknesses : Le pain de mie sans tranches de Harrys
      • Opportunities : Very charming (Ladies don’t be shy)
      • Theats : I love the sun, and I think that I wont see it for a very long time in Ireland …


    Here I am !!        Look at my skin ! Told you that I loved the sun ... Snif  Look at my Skin ! Told you that I loved the sun .. Snif


    I still in France for the moment but I'll take the plane to Irland in January the 23th.


    I'll see you there for the beginning of this wonderfull international experience.


    Trust me, you wont be desappointed !






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