• My university and the city of Maynooth

    With the excellence of its academic teaching and research activities, my university, the National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), is very famous in the country.

    My university and the city of Maynooth


    NUI MAYNOOTH, the logo of my University



    Located 20km at the west of Dublin and with more than 8000 registered students; it has not only a prestigious reputation around the country. It has also a great campus, sports and social life, run by motivated students of the university.


    In addition, NUIM is a beautiful university divided in two different parts: South and North Campus.


    South campus is the old part of the university. It’s a complex of fine nineteenth century buildings which includes a beautiful chapel and huge gardens.

    My university and the city of Maynooth




       NUIM, South Capus





    North Campus is the modern complex of teaching, research, accommodation, and support facilities like the phoenix, a large building where you can find a restaurant, a sports hall with a free gym, a basketball field, and lots of sports room for various sports.



    My university and the city of Maynooth



    NUIM, North Campus




    Outside of the building, you can find Playing pitches for Football, Rugby or Gaelic Football.


    My first day in the university was entirely dedicated to its presentation.

    The officer of the international office gave us a lecture to explain to the international student all that we needed to know about the student life, the different courses and modules that we could take for our semester, the security rules, e.g.

    Then different professors of different topic gave us a lecture to introduce ourselves to their module. It was quite interesting. But even NUIM offered plenty of different modules, I decided to take business one to fit with the choice of my studies.


     My university and the city of Maynooth





    NUIM North Campus, Arts Building, where I had my first lecture for the presentation of the University



    Finally, a 3rd year Irish student of NUIM gave us a tour of the campus. It was really nice and were lucky (very lucky) because it was a beautiful day and it’s not very often in that period of the year.

    After the tour of the campus (having seen  all the different theatre buildings for the lectures, the new library, the cafeteria, snack bar and student Union bar where I was going to drink so many beers with the others student during the semester) we went outside of the university to start the visit of the small village of Maynooth. It was beautiful.


    My university and the city of Maynooth





    NUIM, The new library of south campus



    Maynooth is a really small town of 10 700 inhabitants for 8 000 students. Saying in another way, it’s a really young city, where you see young students almost all the time in the street, and where the life is pretty cool.


    In Maynooth, there’s all what you need if you are a student.

    Obviously the university with theatres, a library and a sport complex where you can practice lots of sports like gym ofr example, which was a sport that I practiced 3 times a week in the gym room of the university in the phoenix.

    My university and the city of Maynooth






    NUIM, the Gym in Phoenix sport complex building




    There’s also a shopping center with so many different shops where you can buy some food, clothes, books and where you can eat so Irish food or simply cut your hair.


    My university and the city of Maynooth







    Maynooth town, The shopping Center Maynor Mill




    There’s a main street where all the restaurants bar and night clubs are. And I have to confess that I spend most of my night time in this street, having parties with my friends.


    My favorite bar-night club was the Roost. Every Thursday, every students of Maynooth had all a big party in this place. What is awesome with the city of Maynooth and that after only few weeks, you get to know a lot of people that you can meet again in this kind of bar and party with them.

     My university and the city of Maynooth



    Maynooth Town, The Roost bar in the Main Street






    My university and the city of Maynooth



    Maynooth Town, The Main Street with all the restaurant, bar and night clubs of the city.

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